Measure your JEE Preparation with ePrepometer

access_time 2020-07-28T04:49:03.709Z face eSaral

Know Your Teachers

access_time 2019-07-29T11:19:23.178Z face eSaral
“eSaral Ventures Pvt Ltd” is a venture founded by N.K.Gupta, Saransh Gupta, and Prateek Gupta. Vision behind eSaral is to make education affordable, accessible, and thoughtful and to create personalized & adaptive learning for each and every one. About N.K.Gupta NK Gupta is a M.Tech from IIT Kanpur ...

JEE Main January 2019 Exam Papers

access_time 2019-03-30T10:23:24.247Z face eSaral
Boost your JEE Main April attempt preparation by solving all the JEE Main 2019 January Sets. We strongly recommend you to solve all these papers before JEE April attempt. We have provided all the JEE Main 2019 January Sets on the eSaral App. Just follow these simple instructions and start solving th...